- Team members are to refrain from vulgar language.
- Team members are representatives of their community. They are to be well-mannered and respectful to all team members, opponents, officials, fans, etc.
- Team members are required to leave locker rooms, buses, and gyms in as clean, if not CLEANER, condition as when they arrived.
- Player’s commitment to the team is also shown by how they talk and act with each other.
- Zero tolerance on taunting, trash-talking, technical fouls, and arguing with the coach and/or teammates, you will come out of the game.
- The coaches desire that every student do their best in school because education is vital to the success of every player.
- To be held ACCOUNTABLE in school, every player needs to turn in progress reports at the beginning of each month.
- Respect others
- Positive Attitude
- Best Effort
- Be Coachable
- Team members are to inform their coach ahead of time if possible whenever they will be late or unable to attend turnout. They are to do this themselves. Do not send someone else to tell the coach. Please schedule dental, DOCTOR, and other appointments at some time other than basketball time.
- Practice intensity is a must, 100% practice effort. Sloppy, lazy practice equals sloppy, lazy games. Scrimmage hard, like a game.
- All athletes MUST jog to and from practice stations and drills, no walking.
Community Events
- All players will take part in at least 4 community events per year or more upon request. Failing to meet these requirements or being a NO SHOW without contacting your coach ahead of time will result in a suspension/punishment deemed fit by the coach.
Parents Approval Form
- All players must have a current parent/guardian contact and medical history sheet on file. Before players take part in any practice, league play or tournaments the parents must sign a waiver and permission sheet.
1. Each player is expected to participate in fundraising efforts (i.e. carwashes, restaurant takeovers, candy bar sales).
2. Players will hold a GPA of 3.0
3. Players will provide coaches with grades to ensure eligibility.
4. Players will participate in conditioning training
5. Players will provide at least 24 hours notice for all missed practices or players will not participate in the upcoming game.
6. Players late for practice will run laps for every minute late.
I at this moment pledge to provide positive support, care, and encouragement for my child participating in Kitsap Admirals Youth Basketball by following this Parents’ Code of Ethics:
- I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, and officials at every game, practice, or other youth sports event.
- I will place the emotional and physical well-being of my player ahead of my desire to win.
- I will insist that my players play in a safe and healthy environment.
- I will require that my player’s coach be trained in the responsibilities of being a youth sports coach and that the coach upholds the Coaches’ Code of Ethics.
- I will support coaches and officials working with my players, to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
- I will demand a sports environment for my player that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and will refrain from their use at all youth sports events.
- I will remember that the game is for youth – not adults.
- I will do my very best to make youth sports fun for my players.
- I will ask my players to treat other players, coaches, fans, and officials with respect regardless of race, sex, creed, or ability.
- I will help my player enjoy the youth sports experience by doing whatever I can, such as being a respectful fan, assisting with coaching, or providing transportation.
- I will support my players, coaches, and officials in all fundraising efforts (carwashes, restaurant takeovers, candy bar sales, etc…) to help fund tournaments for the players to participate in.